Sunday, August 18, 2013


A few things I learned about myself hiking timp--

I always knew I had a little fear of heights, but when we finally reached the top... I may or may not suffered from an anxiety attack and cried for like 5 minutes before I could pull myself together and enjoy the view. Of course when we got to the top we still had one hour til sunrise and Michael wanted to sleep on a ledge five feet from death-- I had no choice, he was my only source of warmth. As much as I wish this was my favorite part of the hike, I was relieved when we finally started trekking back down.

After I somewhat handled my fear of heights, actually being able to see where we hiked for 8 miles was not so bad. In fact, timp had many breath taking views that gave me goosebumps. The wild flowers were my favorite, and there were fields of them. 

At the end, lets just say I never wanted to do this again... my feet hurt like the dickens and my body is still recovering. I learned I really don't like long hikes. Was it worth it? This is still debatable, but hey my name is on that little shack at the top and this was me and Michael's first time ever hiking Timp (and my first time pulling an all nighter). I am happy we got to do it together, plus he is my favorite company, who else would I hike it with. We toughed it out with some of our great friends we convinced to come... I now feel like the worst friend (maybe in a few weeks they will forgive us). 

Timp all I have to say is that you were a beast. 


  1. Fun stuff! love the pictures!

  2. I walked like a granny for 2 days LOL! But I think now that I am recovered I can say it was well worth it :)
