Saturday, August 3, 2013


Recently Michael and I came across a very thought provoking documentary called, "Hungry for life." I have never had the best eating habits, and generally eat what I feel like eating. I can assure you I am no health expert, but since watching that film I have made an effort to eat healthier. Seconds after watching it we discussed how we never wanted to eat a french fry or diet drink again... Diet drinks I can do without but I have a weakness for french fries and hamburgers, so I am making small goals to just eat the bad foods, not so often-- and finding healthier alternatives.

 My friend gave me some pretty good advice, and told me that she just shops around the outsides of the store and tries not to go in the isles where most of the processed food is. I have taken her advice and it has made my shopping trips shorter, and easier. Tonight I made a beauty skin salad that is full of all things that are good for you-- especially your skin. I got ten free recipes from Food Matters website, which is also a documentary highly worth watching. When you sign up for it you get 10 free recipes, and this was one of them.

Happy healthy eating kids. If you know any yummy recipes, or green smoothies you just can't live without please message them to me. I would love some tasty healthy recipes to add to my sad recipe book of only a few.

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